Operating rules

Golf park Prague

Operating rules

The operating rules of the Golf Park Praha golf course define the rules and obligations that visitors must follow in order to ensure their safety and the safety of other players.

The operator of the course is Český Golfový Klub z.s., IČO 26611457, registered office: Národních hrdinů 891, Dolní Počernice 190 12 – Prague (hereinafter referred to as the “operator”).

The persons responsible for the golf course area and for compliance with these rules are the operator and the authorized staff (manager, receptionist, marshal / supervisor on the course).

By entering the area, every visitor agrees to the rules and ensures that they are observed.


  • The area of the golf course area (hereinafter referred to as the “area”) includes the playing area of ​​the golf course (individual holes), the parking lot, all internal areas of the clubhouse and the surroundings of the clubhouse (outdoor seating).
  • Every visitor is obliged to familiarize with these operating rules upon entering the premises and to comply with them during their visit.
  • A visitor is considered a golfer, caddy, coach, person accompanying a golfer, spectators or persons passing through the grounds.
  • Each visitor is fully responsible for damage caused to the health or property of the operator or third parties caused by their activities.
  • Every visitor to Golf Park Praha is obliged to familiarize with the operating rules the local rules of the course, which they will follow during their presence on the course and its grounds. In the event of a violation of the rules, the operator and the person authorized by him are entitled to dismiss the visitor without the right to refund the fee paid or credit used.
  • The visitor can be present at the area during the opening hours. Outside of opening hours, entry to the area and golf course is prohibited. The operator reserves the right to adjust the opening hours according to the time of year or unforeseen circumstances that will lead to a change in the opening hours.
  • The visitor enters the golf course at his own risk and behaves in a way that ensures other visitors safety. The operator is not responsible for any injury or damage.
  • If the visitor arrives by car, he/she must ensure safety in the parking lot.
  • The operator is not responsible for a parked car.
  • The visitor is fully responsible for damage to health or property of the operator or third parties caused by his/her activities during the visit. In the event of an extraordinary event (e.g. injury, damage to property, damage to the course, loss of belongings), the visitor is obliged to report this event.
  • There is a strict ban on free running dogs in the entire area of ​​the course. When visiting the course, the owner is obliged to keep the dog on a leash.
  • Parents are responsible for the safety of children in the area. No child is allowed to be present on the course without the supervision of a parent or a coach.
  • Visitors to the course should be dressed appropriately for the sport they are going to play – sportswear, a T-shirt with a collar, shoes without metal spikes or heels. Jeans are not appropriate clothing.
  • Playing with driving balls on the course is prohibited.


  • Every visitor is obliged to announce their presence at the reception of the course, check in and pay the fee for the golf game.
  • At any time during the game, the player is obliged to present a document authorizing him to play, including proof of payment for the golf game/fee drawn.
  • If the player does not present him/herself at the reception and check in, he may be excluded from the golf course by the operator and the persons authorized by him.
  • A player who has not yet obtained a certificate of passing the golf exam (green card) and does not have an HCP of 54 can play on the golf course accompanied by a coach or a player with an HCP below 36.
  • Golf is a beautiful sport that is governed by rules that include etiquette. Ignorance of these rules and wrong actions do not excuse the player.
  • Maximum number of people in the flight are 4 players.
  • Each player is required to observe the time and must be present on the 1st. hole no later than 10 minutes before the start of their game (before their reservation time). If the player does not arrive in time, he/she has the option of contacting the reception and arranging a change of start time (if the course is free).
  • The player arrives at the 1st hole prepared, has a ball, clubs and other important equipment for the game.
  • The golfer is obliged to follow the instructions of the marshal, the sequence of individual holes and the pace of the game – “ready golf”.
  • It is important that each player takes care of his own safety and that of other visitors on the course.
    • In case of improper shot announce a loud “FORE”
    • Do not hit the golf ball if there is another person in your line of sight
  • The players are obliged to take care of the golf course and in case of damage or cutting of the grass to repair the damaged area, to repair the pitch marks on the green and after hitting the ball from the bunker carefully rake the sand. There is a rake at each bunker.
  • All visitors throw their trash in the bins that are distributed around the area.
  • The golfer must consider the passing public moving on the bike path.


  • Every coach who plans to visit the course with their client is obliged to report his presence at the golf course reception.
  • The coach acts as a role model for his clients on the course. Takes care of the course, the clients, the surrounding visitors of the area and observes the rules.

Golf cart

  • Golf cart rental is possible after agreement with the reception, after its reservation and payment.
  • If a player borrows a golf cart, he/she is responsible for its condition.
  • Golf cart can only be driven by a person who has reached the age of 18 years (has a driver’s license).
  • Driving a golf cart under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances is prohibited.
  • The driver drives the golf cart on the course safely, at a easy pace, does not test what the cart can do and adapts the ride to their driving skills. Move along paths and a solid grassy surface.
  • Only 2 people may be transported in the cart.
  • Cart is strictly prohibited from entering the green, forgreen and bunker. Cart may not approach closer than 15 m from the boundary of the green.
  • The golf cart does not leave the golf course area and the rental must be reported at the reception.
  • The player returns the rented golf cart in the original condition to the designated area.
  • A player who causes damage to the golf cart is obliged to report this fact to the reception and the playground operator.
  • By renting a golf cart the player agrees to the Rules of Golf Park Prague and its operating rules and assumes responsibility for the golf cart for the entire rental period and is responsible for any health or property damage caused by improper handling of the vehicle.


  • The marshal has the right to alert the players about their pace of the game. He can ask for play acceleration to improve the tempo of movement on the golf course.
  • The marshal has the right to move the player / flight to the next hole forward, in order to ensure the tempo of play.
  • The marshal has the right to request a player/flight to skip a hole, in order to ensure the tempo of play.
  • Players respects marshal’s instructions and behaves politely and respectfully towards him.


  • Every player who wants to participate in a tournament is required to register and pay the tournament fee.
  • In the event that a player registeres for a tournament and later finds out that they cannot attend, they will notify the organizer.
  • The tournament starting list is always available to the players no later than 6:00 PM before the day of the tournament (or other time depending tournament instructions). Each player is obligated to find out his start time and arrive on time.
  • A player who participates in a tournament abides by the rules of golf, the tournament regulations, the operating rules of the course and the local playing rules of the course.
  • The player has the phone ringer turned off during the game and does not disturb other players with phone calls.
  • The player correctly counts and reports his shots.
  • The player waits for the result announcement of the tournament and respects the efforts of the organizer.
  • Prizes that the player does not collect on the day of the tournament are forfeited to the organizer.


  • The Rules of Golf allow players to suspend play if they believe there is a threat of a storm.
  • The danger of a thunderstorm is announced by a resort worker with a siren. In the event of a threat of a storm, the reception or a person authorized by the operator has the right not to allow the player onto the golf course.
  • In the event of a thunderstorm, the player must immediately stop play and take shelter in the clubhouse.

Golf park Prague


K Radotinu 15, Zbraslav 159 00

Golf park Prague

Where to find us

Our clubhouse is located at the parking lot of the original Golf Zbraslav clubhouse.