Local rules

Mar 24, 2024

Course boundaries

The boundaries of the course are marked by white stakes behind the green of hole 1, on the right side of holes 5 and 6, or by an electric fence behind green 6, or by a fence on the right side of hole 4, or by the nearer edge of the path to the left of holes 1 and 9 and to the right of hole 4. 7.

Between holes 8 and 9 the inner out is marked with white pins, which applies to hole 8. These pins are a NON-movable hazard on hole 9.

Waste areas

Red sand areas on holes 1, 2, 4, 5, 9 and between holes 7 and 9 are not bunkers and have general area status.

Immovable obstructions

All objects as defined, in particular all roads with artificial surface with any immediately adjacent damaged areas and power line poles.

Abnormal course condition

Ground under repair (GUR) is indicated by a dashed white line or blue pins.

Power line

If the ball hits a wire or cable of an overhead power or other line, the shot must be cancelled and repeated without penalty (see Rule 14.6).

Penalty area

Area is marked with red pins or red lines.

Penalty for violation of local rules:

General penalty.